Ross Ulbricht v. San Fransico State Supreme Court
October 1, 2013
Ross Ulbricht was detained at the San Francisco Library at
3:15pm, where through his laptop; the defendant performed illegal drug trades,
through a site which allows currency exchanges in the form of Bitcoins; a newly
digital currency that fluctuates at 653.4 a share. F.B.I, apprehended the
suspect, minutes before allowing the suspect to close the laptop, which
contains, Ross Ulbricht’s user’s profile information, detaining the defendant
as the suspect, in charge of the sales.
The issue enclosed to the courts is that of discrepancy in
apprehending the defendant by scrupulous procedure, violating the defendants
Sixth Amendment; the right to search and seizures by warrant.
F.B.I. began taking inventory of Silk Road in September by
approval of the Justice Department, identifying 13,000 listings for controlled
substances, of opioids, psychedelics and ecstasy.
A site called Silk Road, considered the world largest black
market for notorious for drugs, where transactions were taking place, was under
F.B.I. investigation which under the user name Dead Pirate Roberts, led
F.B.I. to identify Ulbricht as the owner of Silk Road; which revenue $1.2
Billion dollars’ worth of transactions, within two and a half years.
Silk Road is said to operate as a social media for online
ecommerce trades, such as;
US SENATOR claim that the site was ran on Tor; an encrypted
Internet network, which connects buyer, Silk Road ran on a cloud.
Was the detaining of Ulbricht against the defendant right to
a 6th Amendment?
The defendant is identified as administering transactions
out of a laptop, in which upon detainment, wasn’t able to close, which; if it
would have closed, a password would have been necessary to log into the users
profile, in order to identify the defendant as the leader of Drug Trafficking
and administer of the Silk Road site under user name Dead Pirate Roberts.
The defendant at time of detainment, was administering under
a page called ‘mastermind”, where 600,000 bitcoins, which value $80,000,000
dollars. Also, the defendant was under investigation, which is to be evaluated
as legal procedure, where the defendant was sending out hits, which beating
were staged by F.B.I. from Baltimore and Utah.
By the safeguard of the Sixth Amendment, the right to a
proper search and seizure; afforded to the defendant, allows a proper right to
due process, where in question is Ulbricht identity in the case, and means of
relation to the charged presented in the Ulbricht case.
The site Silk Road, allowed individual not only to trade,
which in this matter narcotics, the site obtained postings from individuals,
entailing; that of OxyContin, 5G Pure Cocaine Cristal, in which a staff paid in
Bitcoins where used to deliver products of Dead Pirate Roberts, in packages
concealed to avoid, dog sniffers, and other method to track the substance.
Senators Charles E. Schumer of New York and Joe Manchin III
of West Virginia were demanding that the Justice department close Silk Road. In
a September approval by Justice department, the F.B.I. identified 13,000
listing of drug like opioids, psychedelics and ecstasy, where a lack of Cyber
law sanctions, allows a competent CPU, user to hack into the system and develop
a silk road.
Under speculation by a Task Force based Baltimore, an agent
Mr. Green; with agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration and Homeland
Security Investigations, purchased a kilogram of cocaine in early 2012. Because
under the federal constitution, the Supreme Court has the power to take on
cases at any jurisdiction, the Federal level cases dealing with international
relation, are jurisdiction for the federal government, which nine counts of
Identity fraud and conspiracy to murder, under the direction of Ulbricht, was;
ordered in under review, which the Southern District Court of New York,
received as a complaint in November, as Mr. Ross Ulbricht is now detained in
Manhattan, at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.
July 3013, Border Protection intercepted a package from
Canada, with his address, finding fake Id’s, with Photos of Ross Ulbricht with
different names, from different countries and states, which allowed the Federal
Government to intervene at the Federal Level, entering a jurisdiction out of
state and district county control to a matter address by the Supreme Court.
Another Clause that seemed to be of a matter, is under Article 4 Section one,
commerce clause, trading funds with other nations, is prohibited under the jurisdiction
of the United States constitution, where the defendant Ulbricht, refusing to
answer Homeland Security’s questioning, purchased a $75,000 ‘economic
citizenship in the Caribbean Island Dominica.
Upon the transaction on “economic citizenship”, gave the
F.B.I. access to Silk Roads main servers, where legally, under treaty with
other nations, the sites server gave access as a mirror account, July 23, 2013,
which is the reason why the issue is if the Procedure break the law by
violating constructional rights, and if the National Security Agency was
December 12 2013, Mr. Ulbricht and Lawyer Dratel, pleaded
not guilty to the alia of Ulbricht as Dead Pirate Roberts. Concurred, is that
Ulbricht’s form of economics, is held as tyranny against the morals of the
United States.
The government was able to track Silk Road by Ulbricht’s
application to “economic citizen”, as the government are able to track
transaction of Bitcoins, when converted into another currency, that of the
international government.
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